Relocating to Minnesota?

Each year Blake enrolls students who are moving to the Twin Cities area with their families for personal and professional reasons. As you may have discovered, there are many good local school options here—both private and public. Blake attracts relocating families who have bright and curious children and who are seeking a school that offers an excellent academic experience in a nurturing environment committed to global perspectives, equity and pluralism.

Back of Blake Upper School with view of downtown Minneapolis

Where do Blake families live?

Many families are doing a housing search along with their school search. Blake students live in 60 cities and towns across the Twin Cities area. Most Blake families live in Minneapolis and bigger suburbs such as Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka and Wayzata, but our extensive busing service makes getting to and from campus possible from all over.

The admissions process for relocating families

While our admissions process includes many steps, we make appropriate adjustments for families who have tight schedules while visiting the Twin Cities or cannot visit at all. We can accept substitute or locally administered admissions testing, and we can schedule Zoom discussions and family meetings if you are unable to visit. In the end, we want to make the admissions process work for relocating families while making sure that Blake is a good fit. We welcome a conversation with you about how best to help your child and family through the admissions process by contacting Director of Admissions and Financial Assistance Joe Silvestri.

Connect with Blake families who have recently relocated

Moving your family—even to a place as wonderful as Minnesota—can be both stressful and exciting. Our goal is to make the process of exploring and applying to Blake part of the excitement. If you'd like to connect with Blake families who have recently moved to Minnesota, please log into the admissions portal where you'll find a list of parents eager to hear from you. They have volunteered to be a resource to families just like you and welcome a call or email.