How to Apply

Cyrus the bear reading a book

2025-2026 School Year Admission

Blake seeks to enroll bright, curious and kind students at all grade levels and strongly encourages interest from families who see Blake as a good fit for their child. We welcome the opportunity to help you discover what your child can become at Blake!

For the 2025-26 school year, Blake's first-round application deadline was Friday, Jan. 31 and families who applied by this date will receive admission decisions on Friday, March 28. We welcome second-round applications throughout the late winter and spring. Please contact the Admissions Office for information about space availability in specific grades.

Campus tours, virtual and in-person admission events and conversations with admissions staff are great ways to discover what your child can become at Blake. We invite you to sign up for these opportunities.

You can begin the inquiry process by sharing some basic information about you and your child. If you have previously submitted an inquiry, click here to access the Blake admissions portal, where you can begin working on your child's application.

2025-2026 Application Process

  1. Sign up for access to the Blake admissions portal. This will create an application account and give you access to your child’s application checklist.
  2. Register for an event and schedule a tour in the admissions portal.
  3. Apply online and follow your child’s application checklist.
  4. Consider financial assistance. Details on Blake’s financial assistance program here.
  5. Ask questions! Feel free to call us at (952) 988-3420 if you have any questions. We'd be happy to help.

Division-Specific Admissions Process Items


  • To be eligible for pre-kindergarten, children must be at least 4 years old by Sept. 1
  • Once your initial application is submitted, you will see new checklist items to complete, including:
    • Schedule a personal parent meeting and student screening visit
    • Schedule a playgroup visit with Blake faculty and other prospective Pre-K and kindergarten families
    • Send link to online recommendation forms to your child’s classroom teacher


These grades are not typically admission entry points at Blake, meaning that we can only enroll a new student if a current student does not return to Blake for the following year. However, we encourage your interest in the possibility that space becomes available.

We invite families interested in grades one to three to explore Blake through campus tours and admission events, and to begin the application process by submitting an application, teacher recommendation and school records by Jan. 31, 2025. We generally have a sense of whether space will be available in specific grades by mid-February.

If space is available, Blake will invite all applicant families to finalize the application process with a student screening and classroom visit. Decisions for grades one through three will be shared at the same time as all other grades on March 28, 2025.

Financial assistance is generally not available for new students in non-entry point grades.


Blake adds a classroom in grade four and enrolls about 10 new fourth grade students each year. We also typically have space for three to five new students in grade five. Once an initial application is submitted, families applying to grades four and five will complete the following steps:

  • Connect with Upper Elementary Admissions Coordinator Lynn Loew to schedule a Blake visit day for your child
  • Use the calendar in the admissions portal to schedule a parent meeting and student screening visit in the Blake Admissions Office
  • Send links to online recommendation forms to your child’s classroom teacher(s) and request transcripts from your child’s school(s)

Because grades four and five are planned entry points at Blake, need-based financial assistance is generally available for new students who qualify for support. 


  • Once your initial application is submitted, you will see new checklist items, including:
    • Schedule a visit day for your child
    • Send links to online recommendation forms to your child's teachers and request transcripts from your child’s school(s)
    • Schedule your child to take the SSAT at Blake uses the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) as part of the admissions process for Middle School and Upper School applicants. Testing must be completed by March 1 to meet Blake's first-round application deadline.
    • Schedule an in-person or Zoom meeting with Tony Andrade, Middle School and Upper School admissions coordinator. The meeting should include the applicant and at least one parent/guardian.