On April 9, the class of 2024 embarked on a long-standing Blake tradition—the senior class gift—led by the LEAG (Leadership. Engagement. Alumni. Giving.) Committee. The committee, a group of six seniors*, is at the forefront of this campaign, uniting Blake’s senior class through educational initiatives that focus on alumni and philanthropy. 

During the first half of the year, LEAG organized the Grad Gazette. This town hall event connected seniors with alumni from various class years and backgrounds to discuss how their Blake educational experiences impacted them post-graduation. 

Now, in the second half of the year, LEAG’s focus has shifted to the Blake Fund. The committee is holding various initiatives that inspire and encourage participation in the senior class gift campaign, allowing them to leave their legacy on programs important to their class. After much thought and discussion, the committee voted to direct gifts toward arts and athletics. 

While the class of 2024 prepares for their new role as Blake alumni, they have an opportunity to inspire future generations of Blake Bears. 

*2024 LEAG Committee: Marina Battig, Sam Hardy, Karn Kaura, Grady Rannow, Abbott Spiller and Zoey Ueland